Runic astrologer Randi Bjærum uses the ancient Viking practice to forecast your love, money, career, style and health every week
Divination in runes is an ancient art that can be traced back to the Norse God Odin. Old scriptures show that the Vikings then continued this tradition - they even used used rune symbols in jewellery, clothing and weapons to boost their energy.
When we're born, we all get our own rune stone (find yours here). This birth rune indicates the abilities, talents and resources that you bring into your life.
But as the universe is constantly changing, daily, weekly or monthly runic astrology can tell you how events, actions and things affect your life. It can also reveal what energies, events and changes are occurring, and how you can best act on them. A runic horoscope is a guide to your spiritual journey and a guide on how to live life to the fullest.
Raidho (29th August – 13th September)

In relationships, you may now be demanding or encounter demands from others that feel unreasonable. Monday's solar eclipse may bring up the issue of sharing resources in a way that both parties can accept. It may be tempting to make a quick decision, but wait a few weeks before committing. Reflect on your goals.
Kenaz (13th September – 28th September)

Monday's solar eclipse initiates a process where shared finances or resources may become a topic you're compelled to reconsider. Perhaps because it's demanded of you or because you must compromise with another. Maintain a long-term perspective. Proper resource management is the path to freedom.
Gebo (28th September – 13th October)

A change in a close relationship, whether professional or private, may occur in connection with Monday's solar eclipse. Your partner may be struggling or have less energy than usual, which may require you to show more understanding. Alternatively, it could be that you need more space to attend to your own matters. Find the balance.
Wunjo (13th October – 28th October)

Monday's solar eclipse and the weeks ahead will lead to increased confidence and charisma that inspire trust in others. However, you may feel slighted if you don't receive the recognition you hope for and perhaps fish for. Give yourself recognition. It's the strongest form of acceptance that builds self-worth and confidence.
Hagalaz (28th October – 13th November)

You may now feel a sense of responsibility weighing on you or that you have demands and expectations that may be challenging to meet. The solution may be to allow yourself to have fun, but also to take care of enough of your duties to alleviate any guilt. Monday's solar eclipse provides you with the energy and courage to make a good plan for yourself.
Nauthiz (13th November – 28th November)

The many small tasks and details can be tedious, but they are necessary for everything in life to function properly. This is especially true in relation to work, where you should prioritize getting routine tasks out of the way so they don't hinder further progress. The message from Monday's solar eclipse is to make room for what matters most.
Isa (28th November – 13th December)

Now you have a lot of energy that you can use spontaneously and without thinking too much. This may mean that you can take initiative and get things started, but it could also mean that you're impatient and may say what you think without considering the consequences. Choose your words carefully. Someone you had a crush on or were previously romantically involved with may come back into your life.
Jera (13th December – 28th December)

You have plenty of warmth and personal magnetism, which can earn you goodwill and make it easier to connect with someone you're interested in. Your attractiveness will be above average. Friendships and romance may flourish. Monday's solar eclipse suggests that relationships you initiate now could last a long time.
Eihwaz (28th December – 13th January)

At home or within the family, you might find yourself short-tempered and easily irritated, something you should be mindful of and avoid if you want to have the energy to seize potential opportunities that may arise in other areas. Approach things with humour and self-deprecation on the home front. Share your thoughts with your loved ones.
Perthro (13th January – 28th January)

You're likely to feel the need to consolidate your situation. This may mean that you're more interested in your foundation and perhaps more focused on ensuring that your home functions well, providing you with a place to retreat and reflect. It's a time for contemplation.
Algiz (28th January – 13th February)

You'll be able to converse easily with people, but it may remain superficial if you don't work on showing empathy and putting some of yourself into the communication. A process of change may be underway in your home. This could involve renovation, moving, or an addition to the family.
Sowilo (13th February – 27th February)

Social connections are becoming more important to you, and you're entering a period where new people can come into your life and change it. Perhaps this means learning to interact with people in a new way and honing and developing your social skills. Monday's solar eclipse will give you signals on what to further develop. Embark on a social quest.
Teiwaz (27th February – 14th March)

Now you may have financial acumen, but you should be cautious about taking risks because there's a chance of misjudgment. Stay grounded. Wait a few weeks before making a decision. A more long-term plan for what you want to achieve in terms of values and finances can emerge from your heart in connection with Monday's solar eclipse and in the weeks to come. Be selective.
Berkano (14th March – 30th March)

You may now find yourself involved in many different activities simultaneously, with the risk of spreading yourself too thin and not properly focusing on anything. Prioritising tasks is important. Monday's solar eclipse signals the need to take some time to reflect on what is important to you. Then, adjust your course towards the goals you have set. Think long-term.
Ehwaz (30th March – 14th April)

You radiate good energy and will easily connect with people, but you may become so caught up in talking about your own things that you forget that it takes two to have a conversation. Creativity becomes more important to you, and you will likely have the need to express yourself in something that makes sense and provides positive feedback. Now is the perfect time to dust off a former exercise routine or hobby.
Mannaz (14th April – 29th April)

You have initiative and the necessary energy to get things going. However, you may also feel the need to fish for others' recognition, which can make you susceptible to manipulation with flattery. With the energy from Monday's solar eclipse, your dreams become clearer. It's time to leave the past behind and look forward.
Laguz (29th April – 14th May)

Now, it may be so important for you to be perceived as pleasant and accommodating that it can be difficult to set boundaries and assert yourself when necessary. An opportunity may materialize in the days around Monday's solar eclipse and in the time ahead. It may be related to something you have done before. Seize the chance.
Ingwaz (14th May – 29th May)

Now is the time for you to leave the old behind and in a few weeks, step out into the world again with new energy and recharged batteries. You can take initiative and make your mark, but you may also become self-centered, causing others' needs to take a back seat. Be open to compromise.
Othala (29th May – 14th June)

Socialising is on the cards, and you may have the opportunity to expand your circle of friends and reconnect with old acquaintances. At the same time, you might meet people who could be significant for you later on. At work, you may feel popular, and opportunities could arise. Superiors might notice hidden talents and be inclined to help you progress. Build your network.
Dagaz (14th June – 29th June)

You might form opinions too quickly without examining them thoroughly enough, and this could also apply to your perceptions of people you meet. Wait a few weeks before forming any final opinions. The week could be hectic with many tasks, where you go from one thing to another or from one person to another without investing too much in each. Find some calm.
Fehu (29th June – 14th July)

Now, something you were previously dissatisfied with may resurface in connection with Monday's solar eclipse. It may be time to revisit it with the person concerned, but finding the balance between provocation and diplomacy can be challenging. Exercise moderation.
Uruz (14th July – 29th July)

In connection with Monday's solar eclipse and in the coming weeks and months, your career – and perhaps even your life's purpose – may undergo changes. You may continuously feel impulses to further develop yourself. This could lead to job offers, and you now have the confidence to take initiative and responsibility.
Thurisaz (29th July – 13th August)

You are on the threshold of a new cycle where you and your needs become more important. Monday's solar eclipse can free you from old thought patterns. As a result, you may encounter new ideas that prompt you to rethink your values and let go of thoughts you've outgrown. Start the spring with a clean slate.
Ansuz (13th August – 29th August)

Monday's solar eclipse may give you the energy to break away from expectations within your family or community. You may be moving towards a new life philosophy that could disrupt the familiar. Your opinions might come across as provocative. Think carefully. Say only what is necessary. Find your own path.