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Customer Service:
We would love to hear from you. Please email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can - or call us at +468394959 between 09.00-17.00 CET on weekdays.

Group Offer
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Email us for written submissions or pitches here.

Team Vogue Scandinavia
Get in touch and email us on

Editor in Chief & CEO – Martina Bonnier
Executive Assistant to Editor in Chief – Rebecka Thorén

Print Editor – Allyson Shiffman
Fashion Director – Robert Rydberg
Senior Fashion Editor – Maria Barsoum
Digital Editor – Clare McInerney
Head of Video – Kristian Bengtsson
Head of Production – Rebecka Thorén
Layout Designer – Maria Kruse
Beauty & Fashion News Editor – Josefin Forsberg
DoP & Video Editor – Margarita Sheremet
Junior Fashion Editor – Amelie Langenskiöld
Music Editor - Doris Daga

Chief Commercial Officer – Mariann Myrli Jacobsson
Head of Marketing & Growth - Maria Ehrnvall
Digital Marketing Manager – Julia Weingarten
Social Media Manager - Zamzam Ibrahim
Accounting Manager (parental leave) – Nathalie Perez Larsson
Acting Accounting Manager - Nina Petkovic
Finance Assistant - Wilma Lundberg
Sales & Partnerships Manager (parental leave) – Sarah Bardling
Sales & Partnerships Manager (parental leave) – Sandra Silbersky
Sales & Partnerships Manager – Henrietta Hegg
Sales & Partnerships Manager – Elin Fransson