
Baum und Pferdgarten - SS24

By Allyson Shiffman

'How would it be to come to Copenhagen not knowing much about the city and the girls and the style?’ asks Baum und Pferdgarten's spring/summer '24 collection, dubbed 'A Postcard from Copenhagen'

Seated in classic bleachers, attendees of Baum und Pferdgarten’s SS24 show became instant tourists, treated to the fundamental diet for those visiting Copenhagen for the very first time: hotdogs and beer. In fact, the show was a celebration of all things quintessentially – stereotypically, even – Danish, including the ultimate modern Danish girl. “Copenhagen during the last couple of years has become more diverse than ever and we are super inspired by this ‘Copenhagener’ style,” says Rikke Baumgarten, who’s joined by her design partner Helle Hestehave. “So we were thinking, ‘How would it be to come to Copenhagen not knowing much about the city and the girls and the style?’”


Aptly dubbed ‘A Postcard from Copenhagen’, the collection revels in the prevailing cool girl Danish aesthetic, marked by unexpected styling and an easy breezy attitude. “10 years ago we had this bicycling girl with the floating dresses,” says Hestehave. “But it’s totally different today. Young people are dressing much more interestingly – it’s high end street brands mixed with vintage mixed with custom-made clothes. It’s so much more interesting, so much for free and so much more diverse.” This ethos is reflected in the way lace tights pair with a clean cropped jacket or in the way a varsity jacket meets a leather mini skirt. Nautical dressing – striped shirts and berets – mingle and clash with gingham, a Baum und Pferdgarten standard. Easy tailoring is followed by denim, the ultimate Scandi cool girl staple.

Elsewhere, there are tongue-in-cheek references to those touristy standards, most notably The Little Mermaid. “All tourists that you meet, they always ask where The Little Mermaid is,” says Baumgarten. Hestehave’s stepson, a graffiti artist, drew an interpretation of the beloved character; it finds its way onto candy pink denim and by way of sequins, a shimmering reference to the mermaid’s famous tail. As for how the girls carry their wares – knick knacks, magnets and snow globes, no doubt – there are knitted iterations of plastic 'I love Copenhagen' bags favoured by tourist kiosks. “There’s a tendency to put very odd things together here in Copenhagen, but it looks kind of nice,” says Baumgarten. “It’s quite eclectic but it’s not an explosion. It’s more calm and fun.”

Discover the full Baum und Pferdgarten SS24 collection below:

Baum und Pfergarten - SS24